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The Aqwalife Foundation Hosts Its Annual Water Ball

The Aqwalife Foundation is a nonprofit organization that was established in memory of Aquatech’s founder, Prem Sharma, with a vision to provide and facilitate access to safe drinking water for communities in need. Since 2007, the organization has been raising awareness of water scarcity, sanitation, and education. 

On April 20th, Aqwalife hosted its annual fundraising event, The Water Ball, at the Fairmont in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Over 250 donors, supporters, and volunteers attended the event to celebrate the organization’s finished projects and upcoming initiatives. All proceeds from the event were donated toward future Aqwalife projects. 

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Aquatech’s Michael Lesniak, acting as Master of Ceremonies, kicked off the event with a speech highlighting the negative effects of water scarcity, emphasizing that millions of people around the world lack access to clean water. He praised Aqwalife’s dedicated team and supporters for creating real change and elevating communities through health and prosperity. 

Alongside the auction was a performance by Mentalists Stacy and Jason Alan, a returning crowd favorite. The duo showcased their talents through various interactive demonstrations, leaving the crowd in awe with mind tricks that left everyone confused and entertained. Toward the night's end, a lively band took the stage to entertain the attendees. The event ended with guests dancing together, supporting the Foundation's mission.  

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Thank you to all sponsors, volunteers and guests who contributed to The Water Ball's success!

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