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Integrated PFAS Removal & Destruction

DE-FLUORO™ is an economically and environmentally sustainable treatment technology that destroys PFAS from contaminated liquids.  Unlike existing treatment technologies, DE-FLUORO™ offers a complete PFAS destruction solution through electrochemical oxidation to non-selectively and sequentially break the carbon-fluorine bonds using a proprietary electrode that is durable and low cost. It can be coupled with non-destructive technologies to deliver a ‘whole of life cycle’ solution, or as a stand-alone onsite destruction technology. 

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DE-FLUORO™ Technology

Backed by six years of research, development, and demonstration, DE-FLUORO is a patented, field-proven electrochemical oxidation technology that destroys PFAS. This process has been deployed on a variety of waste streams within the United States, Australia, and Europe and across a range of industry sectors to successfully achieve environmentally friendly PFAS destruction.

DE-FLUORO is field-proven on-site PFAS destruction technology for challenging applications, such as: 

  • Aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) clean-outs
  • PFAS-impacted rinse water
  • Ion exchange resin still bottom waste
  • Reverse osmosis brine
  • Separated and concentrated industrial and municipal waste streams
  • Landfill leachate

AECOM and Aquatech to Deliver PFAS Destruction with DE-FLUORO™ Technology

AECOM, the world’s trusted infrastructure consulting firm, and Aquatech, a global leader in water and process technology, have announced an agreement to accelerate the deployment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) destruction technology.

This collaboration brings together a wealth of experience, combining AECOM’s water and environmental practice, ranked number-one by ENR, and innovative DE-FLUORO™ PFAS destruction technology with Aquatech’s industry-leading process and electrochemical technology expertise and history of scaling end-to-end technology solutions and services. This synergy of two established industry players will help accelerate DE-FLUORO as a leading PFAS destruction solution.

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The Latest News

AECOM and Aquatech to Deliver PFAS Destruction with DE-FLUORO® Technology

AECOM and Aquatech to Deliver PFAS Destruction with DE-FLUORO® Technology

AECOM and Aquatech have partnered to accelerate the deployment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) destruction technology, combining AECOM's DE-FLUORO® PFAS destruction technology with Aquatech's electrochemical expertise and end-to-end technology solutions and expertise.

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Contact us today to learn more about DE-FLUORO™ PFAS destruction technology.

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