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Integrating QUA's FEDI® Solution for High Purity Water in Green Hydrogen Production

One of India's leading natural gas companies requires a high purity feed water for their GH2 production. With this, they also wanted to ensure consistent flow and conductivity among operations to meet stringent purity standards. QUA provided a solution through installations of their FEDI® technology.
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QUA's FEDI® Fractional Electrodeionization Technology


A leading natural gas company and public sector undertaking (PSU) in India operates a facility that produces 4.3 tonnes of green hydrogen (GH2) per day, achieving a purity of about 99.9% by volume.

This hydrogen plant’s PEM Electrolyzer requires high-purity water to utilize as feed water for GH? production with a feed conductivity of 0.1 µS/cm. It is also crucial to ensure consistent flow and conductivity for operational stability and performance to meet stringent GH2 purity standards.


After a detailed technical evaluation, the client selected QUA's FEDI Fractional Electrodeionization. as the optimal solution for their specific requirements. FEDI stacks are designed to produce high-purity water up to 18 MΩ.cm using a patented two-stage separation process.

QUA's dedicated technical support team delivered exceptional pre- and post-sales assistance throughout the commissioning phase. A QUA representative was present on-site, ensuring seamless integration of the FEDI system into the client's operations.


In the forthcoming period, PEM electrolyzers will likely dominate green hydrogen production due to their ability to produce high-purity hydrogen gas (99.999%), essential for applications like fuel cell vehicles. Ultrapure, high-purity water is crucial for maintaining electrolyzer function, and inadequate water treatment can cause damage. The choice of electrolyzer technology and water source determines the required water treatment. FEDI is an optimal solution for this application.

Since its commissioning in 2024, QUA’s FEDI technology has reliably delivered type II purified water with a conductivity of 0.1 μS/cm, meeting the stringent purity requirements of green hydrogen production. QUA's FEDI supports sustainable hydrogen production and contributes to global efforts for a greener future.

Get in touch with us today to discover how Aquatech can assist you with your water and wastewater treatment requirements.

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